God Bless you Norman Finkelstein! You are an unsung hero, a champion of truth and an inspiration.

Keep fighting the good fight brother!

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"Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Lord Acton.

The super rich destroy democracy. This is why billionaires should be illegal. Most billionaires don't have just one billion. They have 20,30, 50 to 800 billion.

To get an idea: a billion seconds is 11,574 days.

We need a wealth tax.

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again, we who are corroborative witnesses to these murderous slaughters of palestinians by zioisraelis, ans well as witnesses to zioisraelis' undeniable, categoric, irrefutable war crimes, are in your debt, dr. finkelstein, for your indefatigable energy, eloquence, deep knowledge, hortations, and erudition on behalf of the palestinians, over their decades of dismemberment of palestinian culture and the dispossession of their lands by european zionist thugs. your nemesis dershowitz should be disbarred and unceremoniously dismissed from the halls of academia. dershowitz is an embarrassment to our son's alma mater, harvard univ. firth was 2nd marshal of the harvard class of 2008, and is now near-gorgonized by how 'bought' harvard is by the zionist lobby... such that he feels humiliated whenever he is required to reveal whence he graduated, from harvard's undergrad programs as a double major in earth & planetary science and astronomy & astrophysics. firth has been a perfervid supporter of the student protesters on harvard's ignominious, esurient, banausic, zionist-controlled campus.

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Good to focus on the redemptive as a necessary palliative to help endure the seven months of one horrible moment after another. Thank you, Dr. F.

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It's wrong to say there is a silver lining to the massacring of Gazans, so that's not what I mean at all, but I do think watching the prestige of many institutions simply crumble could be beneficial. Watching Harvard ask "how high" when told to jump by donors makes it clear that Harvard is habituated to behaving that way, that many things about it are fraudulent and have been for a long time. Mutatis mutandis so many other institutions, it's like a total bonfire taking just a few months of social trust accumulated over decades and decades.

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I Applaud your Honesty, your non biased opinions and you are a true inspiration Sir

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What an absolute legend

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there is Someone out there telling the truth and inspiring me. Thank you, Norman.

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Thank you Mr. Finkelstein.

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We need to revisit the provenance of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"

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I’m reading it at present, thank you for your work, most enlightening.

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Hi Kapo Norm’s readers. I’m a ziojewish white male. Go.

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No, Doug. The problem is not the "far right". The "far right" only pops up as long as the actual left movement gives space to it.

Talking to the people, the masses, of the "far right", can only be good, if you can talk to this people. The academic so-called left has long given up this struggle. Y'all just end up brown-nosing what you supposed to be fighting against.

I actually started paying attention to Finkelstein after his clash with Tariq Ali. And if you want to call me far-right or whatever, go ahead. I have scars all over my head from Golden Dawners, as a few of them are not left exactly intact. This is why I have still a price on my head from certain football clubs affiliated with Golden Dawn in some places in Greece. Why would I ever care about an armchair antifascist?

Of course, Trans rights and gay rights is one thing, but seeing the Embassy (you know which one, I suppose...?) with Rainbow or BLM flags is another. And I see no trans or BLM activists mention that.

Yeah, being trans should be a right. Celebrating it as an achievement, though? Are we also to take up veganism, and other trendy lifestyle crap, as an actual radical political stance?

My problem with Finkelstein is that, today, he endorsed Varufakis for the Greek elections. Someone who I suppose Doug endorses too? Anyway, any self-respecting leftist who knows that Varufakis was working for Papandreou, and of his later history, would keep their distance.

Was Norman just tricked by Varufakis, or is he just riding the DIEM25 bandwagon, as Doug claims he often does? If he does, then he is rly short sighted. And this truly a shame.

I have collected here some basic info about Varufakis known to Greeks, why do I have the sense that it will be deleted as my comment on YouTube under Norman's vid for DIEM?


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May 28·edited May 28

You (and yer seed) will most certainly be under a gharqad umbrella when Yahweh carries out another Q17 clearout. So will the blumenthal, mate, greenwalds and Co. Many warners have come before you and they will not heed as usual, they have a track record.

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RemovedMay 29·edited May 29
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Is this Substack account really Doug Tarnopol? Go check it out. 0 posts, 4 notes, 4 subscriptions. Watch the videos here https://www.thecanary.co/trending/2018/08/02/jewish-activist-says-israel-apologists-must-stop-crying-wolf-over-antisemitism/ and it's obvious the real Doug Tarnopol would never use language like this.

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Very rude comment says alot about you DT.

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Let me guess or rather don’t have to as yr language says it all. Low life zionist. Never forget, never forgive. You are all despicable non-humans. Satans chosen people

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RemovedMay 29
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Number 1 calling someone a dumb-ass is dumb. You want to convince someone they are wrong in believing a person is doing good for the Gaza cause is not what he seems then take another approach. And don’t call me dumb-ass for standing up against Zionists

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RemovedMay 29
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You are a dumb-ass for insulting me once again. You want me to take heed of what you are saying dumb-ass do it a goddamned other way. Yr comment was exactly what a goddamned bot would do dumb-ass. And FYI i will check on yr info as i am not a dumb-ass. But on the other hand, even if what you are saying is true you are still the dumb-ass for expecting someone else knows this shit and insult them. So change yr way of getting info out. And don’t come back and call me dumb-ass again!

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You must realise that anyone with a modicum of intelligence will suspect you of sour grapes. Why tarnish a crucial issue with a personal grudge blurted out in puerile language?

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RemovedMay 29
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"Coterminous" — that's a grown-up word. Odd that your grudge blinds you to the obvious: Finkelstein is a go-to on Gaza because of his prodigious factual and humanist output over the years. Can't you grant him that?

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I doubt it is just a grudge.

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RemovedMay 29
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