I love Norman. What a brave a decent man he has been.

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Norman Finkelstein is one brave master at detecting, articulating in detail and clarifying the truth. It is a privilege to have access to his expertise, presented with uncanny humor. BRAVO!

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Oh, what are their many hours of gatherings, characterized by "debates", with Jordan Peterson worth! Yes , and with such "moderators" as Bret Weinstein and Douglas Murray. Of course, it would be possible to characterize this action more decently on my part, but I did not come up with anything more flattering than "narcissists sniffing each other's asses." By the way, Sam Harris, positions himself as a neurophysiologist, is engaged in Vipassana meditation (Yuval Harari is also a fan of this school). A very one-sided "atheist".

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He endows it with a positive content………..Harris a shameful “piece of shit”

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I think Sam Harris unfortunately banged his head when he was a baby or some such similar.

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Admire your intellect and courage to speak on behalf of the injustice which the world has inflicted on the Palestinians, your voice is one I have followed years, though I am perplexed that you deem it worthy of your time to spend so much effort to eviscerate Sam Harris, Who in my opinion has recently been doing very well at revealing himself to be a racists ignoramus. .. Thank-you for being a voice of conscious !

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I find this article one of Norman Finkelstein's best in part because I grew up surrounded by scholars of many religions, my father for one. I would be curious to know how Sam Harris has lately revealed himself to be an ignoranus -- I mean to the world. To you and me it is obvious. It seems to me his views have been increasingly taken very seriously as have those of the "Son of Hamas', Mosab Youssef Hassan, a spy for Israel who has converted to Christianity and endlessly speaks for Israel by condemning Islam. We agree on Norman Finkelstein's courage, intellect and voice of conscience. In solidarity.

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You have changed my mind, Yes, I have to agree, , there is need for Norman. Finkelstein to revile the fallacy of Sam Harris`s arguments, just as I needed your help. thank-you

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Harris needs to be notice…he can’t help himself. People like him makes people that are atheist or deist look bad.

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Well said, doctor.

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I can hear Mr Finklesteins voice while I read this funny but scary piece, where do I go to escape persecution in this world smh. I feel so deeply that they are going to start putting Muslims in concentration camps in this country soon .

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Thank you Mr Finkelstein for just keeping it reaal 🇮🇱 🇵🇸

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I think one Christians and Jews hate Muslims is that they want to avoid being called to task by God the sin of usury. Muslims are the only Abrahamic faith that still has halal financing.

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