Dear Prof. Finkelstein; Thanks for your singular voice for justice. The conscientious world is in deep grief regarding Palestine. Will the genocide be stopped? Will the USA ever recover?

You might remember wife Mary and me. We participated in DePaul Univ. students' rallies for you, donated, and once gave you a lift to a speaking engagement at Crystal Lake High School.

The still-corrupt DePaul Admin got the police to destroy our placards a few months ago while a loader bulldozed all of the students' tents (and contents) in the quad into piles along the Fullerton St. fence. DePaul's still-wonderful students will resume their Divest from Genocide/End the Gaza Genocide campaign on Thursday, 9/12. We and our friends will gratefully rejoin them. It would be great to see you there.

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I wish you courage and strength in your effort to resist the corporate US - of which the universities, sadly, are now an indistinguishable part - and join with other students and faculty in speaking for the great majority in our nation who are against the corporate empire and its wars.

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All mainstream media takes their marching orders from Blinken it seems. He has repeatedly said the civilians being killed in Gaza are "caught in a crossfire of Hamas's making". The ultimate fabrication, supported by zero facts, because there aren't any.

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It is really frustrating to see this amount of Media BS, spreading lies to hide the truth. While watching the Aljazeera this morning and seeing this big whole on the ground from a strike can't fool anyone into thinking Hamas did it. Israel attempts to killing all this innocent human being for one reason to erase them from their land. No other excuse.

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Bombing refugee tents has to be the lowest Israel can stoop and,surely,the most serious of war-crimes.Why is the United Nations not condemning this and offering protection to refugees in Gaza?

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No, one can go lower as with chemical weapons in Syria.

I suppose eventually they will pump salt water or mustard gas ( heavier than air) into the tunnel complex in Gaza. The salt water if not desalinated fresh water would poison the soil so nothing would ever grow unless it was in a green house. Kamalacide will likely do nothing just like Trump so it matters not who wins this Presidential Election, all will die in Gaza and the West Bank until a missile of some-kind takes out the Zionist leadership, if another country was willing. The End

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Syria never used chemical weapons a single time. All lies made up by Al Qaeda and helped along by Israel, the US, the UK, and France. They already tried pumping salt water into the tunnels. It didn’t work.

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Yes, they did use chemical weapons. I am a boring person that reads boring white papers that peer review of various things. I started reading peer reviews some time ago on various boring stuff, but it is exciting stuff to me, I faunally remember reading the white paper on a drug called Gardasil. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gardasil

The chemical residues collected where proof of chemical weapons used just like a finger print. This finger print can also be dated by decay results in the soil along for dating. Then there is blood and tissue samples that match. So YES they used chemical weapons. Russia is upset because they got caught. That being said the United States did much worse supplying Saddam Hussein



Flooding tunnels was stopped due to environmental reasons only not for practical application of it being done.


Israel did start with pumping salt water into tunnel then sealing some but back off after the U.S. complained.



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They never used chemical weapons ever even one single time. In one attack, Al Qaeda released some of their bathtub Sarin. That was the first fake attack. After that Syria destroyed all their chemical weapons because the Jews ordered them to. The UN supervised their destruction and ratified it.

After all of their chemical weapons got destroyed, “chemical weapons attacks” started occurring! 😂. Except they didn’t have any!

They made this up because the only way the US could get involved in the war legally was if chemical weapons were used. And we wanted to get involved in the war because Americans are the slaves of the Jews.

Right before Obama was going to invade, the CIA told him that the Sarin was not from Assad. Instead it was Al Qaeda bathtub sarin from Turkey. The attack was coordinated between Al Qaeda and Turkey, and we have John Kerry on record in a captured conversation egging Turkey on to go ahead with the false flag.

No Sarin was found in any victims, and none had symptoms of Sarin poisoning.

The CIA told Obama the attack was fake, so he refused to attack. But the Jewish-controlled US used it as an excuse to order Assad to destroy his chemical weapons, which he did. Afterwards there was one fake chemical attack after another. Except he had no weapons!

It’s Iraqi WMD’s all over again, and all you gullible clowns got fooled just like the first time.

There is not the tiniest hint of evidence that any of the following attacks occurred. In fact, forty White Helmets made a video in which they admitted that all of the chemical weapons attacks were faked.

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I don't know either way in what you are saying. What I do know chemical weapons where used, there is proof of it. The method of delivery was unsophisticated barrel bombs from helicopters. The helicopters had to be destroyed after attack due to contamination. Saddam Hussein used the same method of delivery to kill Kurdish in Iraq during the Reagan times. Who was flying the helicopters? Who made the barrel bombs? Who loaded the helicopters? Who had the chemical equipment and know how to make it? Who gave whomever the know how to make any of the following? These are the facts. I busy with other stuff related to firearms analysis so I will likely not be able to reply any further on this subject. Thanks for your insight on the issue.

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Both of you (Lindsay and Creed) are making claims based on your intimate convictions. I will not cast doubt on either of you or your convictions. But I will ask you to post proper substantiation for the claims you make. If you cannot back up your claims, you owe it to Dr. Finkelstein, who is a true academic, to stop abusing the space he is providing for you here.

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Actually I spent years studying this issue and I followed a sizable group on the who looked into every single one of these attacks. It was a leftwing group out of Finland. We could not find one real attack out of all of them. It’s all bullshit and lies.

We also looked at all of the chlorine and satin attacks. Not even one of “victims” had symptoms of sarin of chlorine. The sarin “victims” were all Christians and Alawites kidnapped by Al Qaeda and kept prisoner before being murdered with carbon monoxide for the false flag.

Also no satin was recovered from the blood of any sarin “victims.” Instead some sarin was found in some Al Qaeda fighters near the scene, but the levels were very low, too low to do much of anything. They shit some sarin shells near their own people at the scene.

There are three videos of them shooting shells and they even say what they are doing.

All of the dead had symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. We also found the huge room where they were murdered full of green tanks hissing gas. We have a photo.

I’m the chlorine attacks, no one died and victims were usually infants. All had symptoms of an opiate drug. Apparently Al Qaeda was shooting up these infants with some opiate like morphine. Many chlorine attacks were reported. There were victim photos in all of them. Not one infant in any photo had chlorine symptoms.

The dead were kidnapped a year before from Alawite and Christian villages in the north. The people’s relatives identified the victims. To Al Qaeda those are enemy civilians.

No shells were fired at the time and location of the fake launch.

Not one person saw the Syrian Army shoot shells there that day.

We have recordings of confused Syrian officers phoning around asking if the army had launched a gas attack. The calls were all WTF. Some of them were asking, “Did we do a satin attack?” or even “Why did we launch a satin attack?” This is because they assumed the reports were true. Israel released that recording so they were in on it.

Assad’s chemical weapons doctrine said they would use those weapons only if the regime was in danger of falling. That did not occur. So the attack would have violated his own doctrine.

Further, many of the victims had their throats cut. Wait I thought they were killed with gas?

There is a photo of a family shot dead in a room in a house. We think Al Qaeda did it. Their bodies later showed up as “sarin victims.” We have that photo.

The fake attack was meant to be used by the US as a reason to launch attacks on Syria. You see the US could not legally attack Syria and the (((Deep State))) was anxious for a rationale to attack. Turns out if Assad used WMDs, any UN country could legally attack him.

That was the reason for all the fake chemical attacks, so we could have a pretext to attack Syria. Plus Al Qaeda was desperately trying to get the West involved in their side, and one was yo do that was to do these outrageous false flags.

That’s generally the reason false flags occur. They are also used for casus belli to start wars.

At the last minute, Obama withdrew his red line and called off the attacks. Seymour Hirsch wrote an article quoting CIA sources saying Assad did not do the attack.

This is because the MI6 examined the Sarun samples found at the scene (a small amount had been released by Al Qaeda) and said it was not Assad’s sarin. All his sarin had a certain signature. However this sarin did not match so the CIA told Obama Assad didn’t do it so he called off his attack.

Instead the Sarun looked like bathtub sarin cooked up by Al Qaeda in Turkey. Al Qaeda people had been caught in Turkey a couple of times with significant quantities of sarin and it matched the sarin found at the scene. Also Al Qaeda engaged in its own sarin attacks on Syrian troops.

We also uncovered a recorded phone conversation between John Kerry and Turkish officials badgering the Turks and asking them when they were going to do the attack, which was specifically referenced. Turns out it occurred seven months later.

We now think the false flags were done by Turkey with Al Qaeda.

That’s it for the first attack. I’ll get to others later.

Still think I am saying this due to “personal convictions,” you fucktard? I don’t believe much of anything outside my own life or subjective matters due to “personal convictions.” I’m an extremely science minded persons and I try to validate most of my beliefs with facts.

I often have to spent a lot of time figuring this stuff out, especially geopolitical and wartime stuff where the lies come fast and furious as Orwell noted.

“The first casualty in war is the truth.”

See unlike 99% of people I don’t want to believe anything that’s not true other than the exceptions above. 99% of people are perfectly happy to believe complete lies to avoid uncomfortable truths and cognitive dissonance.

As you can see, you are just wrong. I will continue later with the rest of the fakes.

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I hang on your every word Sir

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Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" has already shown us this. Especially how media, often under the influence of powerful interests, can manipulate narratives to serve specific agendas. In this case, the bullshit portrayal of Gazans as complicit in their own suffering by allegedly harbouring militants, while simultaneously admitting the inability to verify such claims, is a blatant example of propaganda.

This narrative not only dehumanises the Palestinian people but also shifts blame away from the Israeli state's actions. The complicity of journalists, even those seemingly aligned with marginalised groups, underscores the insidious nature of media manipulation. It's a stark reminder that our quest for truth and justice requires constant vigilance and a critical eye towards the zionist's sources of information.

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🙌🏽 please keep us informed 🌷

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Professor Finkelstein is forever the voice of sanity in this increasingly insane world.

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As someone who grew up on Long Island I'm losing friends now for speaking up against this genocide. It's like Covid 2.0.

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I know what you are going through and wish you courage. Whatever happens, hold on to the love of your friends.

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Almost one year since Oct. 7, plus past years of Genocide with the blessings of the Dens and the GOP!

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Thank you for all the courageous work you do, Prof. Finkelstein.

Always forensic, insightful and spot-on.

May these people rot in hell.

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Thank You Norman

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“Bilal” in Portuguese means dick. It couldn’t be more fitting! A dickhead!

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Professor Finkelstein, I also hang on your every word. I am truly sickened by the daily report from Gaza and the West Bank which I follow on Democracy Now.

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Contributions particularly welcome from Jews and Israelis who condem the genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon!!!

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Gals and guys, I am finishing writing an illustrated book on all this and far more! You can view a late draft preview here: ( I'm publishing in early October 7 - all 350 pages of it!): Very well done for letting yourself see the real truth and facts! Try reading or listening to my new controversial 'terrorist defending' book here: https://online.flippingbook.com/view/677110057/

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