I’m stealing your phrase, “infinite self-regard” and inserting it into paragraphs describing those with ample abundance of same.
I so very much enjoy your writing, interviews and completely rational thought. I’ve learned so much from you these past 6 months and search out every interview and essay.
Here's a thought: instead of viewing the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine as the problem, we pack up all the Israelis and send them back to where they, or their parents, or their grandparents came from, and let the Palestinian people decide for themselves what to do with THEIR land and natural resources.
Herding Israelis into the Negev is surely a rich fantasy… but really the figure for dead and shredded Palestinians is off by one decimal point…320,000 is closer to the reality after this fifteen months of slaughter..
Yeah that statistic reminds me of Donnie douchebags statement of "if we just stop counting COVID infections, that means there aren't any" but now it's "if we destroy the infrastructure and the professionals required to count the murdered Palestinians, then there aren't any"
Great line: “Social critic Irving Howe once quipped that, if you have enough money to purchase a one-way ticket to Israel but don’t, then you’re not a Zionist.”
It's all just little symptoms of the larger JEW WORLD ORDER problem. Yes Jews control the media, the alternative media, education systems k-12 through grad school. Obviously every Jewish person on earth isn't part of the problem, but it is a problem that so few will discuss this gargantuan conspiracy of the banking dynasty and allied criminal Jewish .00001% families who have been running the earth, into the ground, for centuries now. Everything good including all life on earth is getting jewed down to the point of extinction. Jews did 911 & 10/7 and had the hutzpah to blame it on "the" Muslims. Where's the REAL RACISM? Is it in the brainwashed hurt feelings and brainwashed sensitive toes? No, it's in the actual bombs dropped over these gargantuan, overwhelmingly Jewish lies. We have been molded into living lies head to foot. The fullness of the lies of Holocaustianity, jisrael, and self Chosenism need to be dealt with Anne Frankly, Jacob Frankly, and Leo Frankly. All these Jewish lies are crushing the souls of the good Jews today. Nobody wants to admit that the ADL anti defamation league was founded on a lie, and if you try to look it up, joogle and jewpedia and the next 100 links will concur that Leo Frank was not guilty and he was persecuted due to "antisemitism."
So we went to Afghanistan for 20 years for heroin over a passport in the rubble and some Muslims in a cave, but nobody talks about the Opium Wars between England and China that were fought on behalf of David Sassoon the orthodox jew who had cornered the market and was the world's richest man. When Sassoons son married Rothschilds daughter, the CIA was born. These top Jews use our militaries for their private business gains, and brainwash us about it until we are like a homer Simpson Nation. Even the educated folks, who think brainwashing is for dumb people. They've been reading the Jew York Times their entire lives and literally can't imagine how badly they've been lied to. I'm talking frankly remember. I am a graduate of Stuyvesant High School class on 1984, known for a hundred years as the world's top academic HS. It's a very jewy institution. Jews love their families and value education highly, AND I LOVE THEM. but the brainwashing tho, oi veh. I went to a very fancy corporate executive factory college and graduated 4 years later with a teaching credential even, to pass along all the indoctrination I had received. Luckily I visited Dachau and Buchenwald and became very anti fascist to the point of devoting my life to activism, but it led me ultimately to that place of awareness that academia had buried me in an avalanche of lies. I was a national merit scholarship winner and captain of the basketball team and they gave me the nickname 'Highly Recruited' because I was receiving a 6 inch stack of mail every day from colleges. Most of my classmates went to Harvard Yale and Princeton to further their indoctrination. Who is going to tell the people what I was mentioning in the first part of my comment? Army Goodwrench on Democracy Too Late? Gnome Chumpski? Julio Asshand? Ed Snowjob Snowden? Christ Hedging? All of you gatekeepers to the most important truths would lose your platforms if you talked about all the fakery of the Lolocaust. Even though 60 million people died in WW2, which was caused by Jewish bankers of course, the suffering of Jews in WW2 has been considered laughable once you learn all the details of the lies and the complete reversal of the truths. That's how bad it is. I see all of your efforts to beat around the bush around the edges of the Jewish problems, as virtue signaling, until you take on the forbidden taboo stigma issues that need to be fleshed out completely despite the cognitive dissonance. But thanks for the great article as usual.
I’m stealing your phrase, “infinite self-regard” and inserting it into paragraphs describing those with ample abundance of same.
I so very much enjoy your writing, interviews and completely rational thought. I’ve learned so much from you these past 6 months and search out every interview and essay.
Here's a thought: instead of viewing the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine as the problem, we pack up all the Israelis and send them back to where they, or their parents, or their grandparents came from, and let the Palestinian people decide for themselves what to do with THEIR land and natural resources.
Great to see Norman back on Substack.
Herding Israelis into the Negev is surely a rich fantasy… but really the figure for dead and shredded Palestinians is off by one decimal point…320,000 is closer to the reality after this fifteen months of slaughter..
Yeah that statistic reminds me of Donnie douchebags statement of "if we just stop counting COVID infections, that means there aren't any" but now it's "if we destroy the infrastructure and the professionals required to count the murdered Palestinians, then there aren't any"
Heard: the political consciousness of the American working class reflects the backwardness of the American middle class.
Great line: “Social critic Irving Howe once quipped that, if you have enough money to purchase a one-way ticket to Israel but don’t, then you’re not a Zionist.”
This one of Marx’s top 5 insults of political enemies. Lot of good ones though.
Keep the hits coming. Right, Left, Right, Left, Jab-Jab, Haymaker. Never let up.
Because of the lack of knowledge and culture
The managerial ethos is a banality internalized by an entire class of society. There, I ruined it.
It's all just little symptoms of the larger JEW WORLD ORDER problem. Yes Jews control the media, the alternative media, education systems k-12 through grad school. Obviously every Jewish person on earth isn't part of the problem, but it is a problem that so few will discuss this gargantuan conspiracy of the banking dynasty and allied criminal Jewish .00001% families who have been running the earth, into the ground, for centuries now. Everything good including all life on earth is getting jewed down to the point of extinction. Jews did 911 & 10/7 and had the hutzpah to blame it on "the" Muslims. Where's the REAL RACISM? Is it in the brainwashed hurt feelings and brainwashed sensitive toes? No, it's in the actual bombs dropped over these gargantuan, overwhelmingly Jewish lies. We have been molded into living lies head to foot. The fullness of the lies of Holocaustianity, jisrael, and self Chosenism need to be dealt with Anne Frankly, Jacob Frankly, and Leo Frankly. All these Jewish lies are crushing the souls of the good Jews today. Nobody wants to admit that the ADL anti defamation league was founded on a lie, and if you try to look it up, joogle and jewpedia and the next 100 links will concur that Leo Frank was not guilty and he was persecuted due to "antisemitism."
So we went to Afghanistan for 20 years for heroin over a passport in the rubble and some Muslims in a cave, but nobody talks about the Opium Wars between England and China that were fought on behalf of David Sassoon the orthodox jew who had cornered the market and was the world's richest man. When Sassoons son married Rothschilds daughter, the CIA was born. These top Jews use our militaries for their private business gains, and brainwash us about it until we are like a homer Simpson Nation. Even the educated folks, who think brainwashing is for dumb people. They've been reading the Jew York Times their entire lives and literally can't imagine how badly they've been lied to. I'm talking frankly remember. I am a graduate of Stuyvesant High School class on 1984, known for a hundred years as the world's top academic HS. It's a very jewy institution. Jews love their families and value education highly, AND I LOVE THEM. but the brainwashing tho, oi veh. I went to a very fancy corporate executive factory college and graduated 4 years later with a teaching credential even, to pass along all the indoctrination I had received. Luckily I visited Dachau and Buchenwald and became very anti fascist to the point of devoting my life to activism, but it led me ultimately to that place of awareness that academia had buried me in an avalanche of lies. I was a national merit scholarship winner and captain of the basketball team and they gave me the nickname 'Highly Recruited' because I was receiving a 6 inch stack of mail every day from colleges. Most of my classmates went to Harvard Yale and Princeton to further their indoctrination. Who is going to tell the people what I was mentioning in the first part of my comment? Army Goodwrench on Democracy Too Late? Gnome Chumpski? Julio Asshand? Ed Snowjob Snowden? Christ Hedging? All of you gatekeepers to the most important truths would lose your platforms if you talked about all the fakery of the Lolocaust. Even though 60 million people died in WW2, which was caused by Jewish bankers of course, the suffering of Jews in WW2 has been considered laughable once you learn all the details of the lies and the complete reversal of the truths. That's how bad it is. I see all of your efforts to beat around the bush around the edges of the Jewish problems, as virtue signaling, until you take on the forbidden taboo stigma issues that need to be fleshed out completely despite the cognitive dissonance. But thanks for the great article as usual.
Great writing as always. Thank you.
Up to the point; Congratulations !